“As a finance chair for a medium and growing church here in Newnan, GA, I couldn't be more pleased with the experience we have had, and the relational approach taken by Michael and the Emerging Capital team. Through their services and professional contacts we were able to qualify for a much more attractive mortgage at a low fixed rate, and also connect with some long term professional service providers that are now on retainer, and help us manage our finances in a more effective and impactful way. Working with Michael and the other connections we've made has opened our eyes and increased our expectations when considering service providers. They helped us, and they can definitely help you.”

Donald Raymond Treasurer

We assisted Heatherwood Baptist Church in refinancing a loan for $2.8MM with a long-term fixed interest rate providing significant cost savings.


  • Refinance existing loan with low interest rate providing significant cost savings

  • Secured a long-term fixed interest rate structure providing rate protection